Root to Rise: working with the energy of Spring

Hello beautiful souls,

As the vibrant hues of spring emerge and nature awakens, we find ourselves in sync with the rhythm of the Earth's heartbeat. This season, let's delve into the enriching practice of yoga, grounding ourselves in the profound wisdom of the Earth element. Welcome to Spring - a celebration of renewal, connection, and the profound teachings that springtime bestows upon us.


Root to Rise: Embracing the Earth Element in Yoga

In the world of yoga, the Earth element symbolizes stability, strength, and the unwavering foundation from which we can grow. This spring, let's center ourselves with grounding yoga poses, anchoring us to the present moment and allowing us to blossom from within.

Yoga Poses to Ground You:

1. **Mountain Pose (Tadasana):** Find your inner mountain, rooted to the earth, standing tall with a sense of strength and stability.

2. **Tree Pose (Vrksasana):** Embrace balance and stability as you stand tall like a tree, connecting your roots to the earth beneath.

3. **Child's Pose (Balasana):** Surrender and reconnect with the earth in this comforting pose, allowing your forehead to rest gently on the ground.


Spring's Lessons: What the Season Has to Teach Us

Spring is a season of rebirth and growth, a reminder that after the dormant winter, life blooms again. In our own practice, we can draw inspiration from the blossoming flowers and budding trees, learning to let go of the old and embrace the new.
Key Lessons from Spring:

1. **Renewal:** Shed the old, just as trees shed their leaves in preparation for new growth.

2. **Flexibility:** Embrace change and allow your practice to evolve, just as nature adapts to the changing seasons.

3. **Blooming Within:** Like flowers reaching for the sun, find your inner light and let it shine through your practice.


Earth as Our Mother, Our Body: A Holistic Connection

Spring invites us to recognize our connection to Mother Earth. Just as the earth provides a fertile ground for growth, our bodies are vessels of life. Let's honor both our external and internal homes, nurturing them with love, gratitude, and mindful practice.

Holistic Practices:

1. **Grounding Meditations:** Connect with the earth beneath you, visualizing roots extending from your body into the ground, drawing in stability and energy.

2. **Earth-Friendly Habits:** Extend your practice off the mat by embracing sustainable choices, acknowledging our responsibility as stewards of the earth.


This spring, let's cultivate a deep sense of rootedness, drawing inspiration from the earth's wisdom. As we honor our connection to the earth, may we blossom into the fullness of our potential.

If you feel the call to practice Root to Rise my next in-person offering will be on Friday the 22nd of March at 18:30  Globe House Yoga



Wishing you a season of growth, renewal, and profound connection.

Much Love Amor


Importance of Core

Core-focused month.

Importance of core strength.⁠


Your core (Center) is your entire support system.⁠

Your core muscles play a huge role in your everyday activities, from getting out of bed, to walking down the street, and bending over to grab your things but most importantly, they literally help you stay upright.⁠

Many of us think core strength is only about having a six-pack. ⁠

And although working at your core and a balanced diet will definitely help you achieve those goals, there are so many reasons to strengthen your core that go far beyond how your body looks.⁠

Your core is more than just your belly or abdominal muscles. It also includes your middle and lower back, pelvis, and hips. These muscles all work together to perform the incredibly important job of supporting your spine and skull.⁠

Strengthening these muscles can improve your digestion, posture, breathing, balance, and even reduce back pain. ⁠


You can join my public classes on:

Tuesdays @ 7pm

Thursdays @ 9:30 am

Book via my website:


What is a Cacao Ceremony ?

Cacao ceremony is a type of shamanic healing, cacao is believed to be a very sacred plant.  Cacao is a powerful plant medicine that has been used ceremonially for thousands of years across Mesoamerican rituals. It's active ingredient; Theobromine, is translated as 'Food of the Gods’.

Cacao contains potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium which contribute to cardiovascular health. Cacao has the ability to trigger the release of dopamine and the endorphin; phenylethylamine, both of which soothe the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and depression.


Most importantly, it releases anandamide, the bliss molecule. Anandamide is an endogenous ligand that your body naturally produces that makes us feel “high.” It is a natural pleasure molecule that fits into the cannabinoid receptor sites of the cells of the nervous system.

Ceremonial-grade Cacao also contains powerful antioxidants along with a significant amount of chromium, which balances blood sugar levels. It increases the blood flow to the brain, creating more mental agility, awareness and focus.

Because of its natural antidepressant and uplifting compounds, ceremonial cacao is particularly effective at facilitating the practices of gratitude and intention setting.

Cacao ceremony is rooted in helping to re-balance the energies within us and restore good health.

Working with the feminine energy of the cacao to open the heart.

In a cacao ceremonies we will sit in a sacred circle, setting intentions and giving thanks for all the abundance in their life today.

You will get to switch off, and retreat inwards, helping you to learn more about yourself, and gain clarity on where you are and where you’re heading.

Join me, Monica and Felipe in a beautiful evening with Yoga, Cacao and Sound bath on Wednesday the 29th of June 2022 @ 7PM - book via website






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#londonevents #bermondsey #plantmedicine #cacaoamor 

#yogaandcacao #soundbath #healing #blessings 


#yogalondon #soundalchemy #mamacacao 

#mindandbody #mindandbodyevents #londonwellness



#intention #gratitude #circle #togetherness